undefined undefined Matthew 18: ‘Offences’ and Forgiveness
Seminaries and Institutes
Matthew 18: ‘Offences’ and Forgiveness

“Matthew 18: ‘Offences’ and Forgiveness,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Matthew 18,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Matthew 18

“Offences” and Forgiveness

Generally, the world rewards and honors those who are tough, aggressive, and refuse to be pushed around. To admit mistakes is often seen by the world as a sign of weakness. How did this way of living compare to what Jesus taught His followers in Matthew 18?

Other Accounts of What You Read in Matthew 18

Matthew 18:1–5Mark 9:33–37; Luke 9:46–48

Matthew 18:6–9Mark 9:42–48; Luke 17:1–2

Matthew 18:10–14Luke 15:3–7

Studying the Scriptures

Do either activity A or B as you study Matthew 18.

  1. Little Children

    1. According to Matthew 18:3–4, in what two ways is there a connection between us, little children, and the kingdom of heaven.

    2. Read Mosiah 3:19 and list the ways in which we are to become as little children. You may want to write Mosiah 3:19 in the margin of your scriptures next to Matthew 18:3–4.

    3. From what Jesus said in Matthew 18:5–14, write three statements—in your own words—that would encourage the proper treatment of children.

  2. Solving Problems with Others

    Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 18:15–35 can help us understand some ways to handle times when others offend us.

    1. According to Matthew 18:15–17, what are the first three steps we should take when someone has offended us?

    2. Verses 21–35 teach what we must do whenever someone has offended us. As you read the parable in verses 23–34, consider the explanation for “ten thousand talents” and “tormentors” in the “Understanding the Scriptures” section above. Write who or what in the parable represents the following: you, the Savior, the benefits you receive from the Atonement, someone who has done something offensive to you, suffering for unforgiven sins.

    3. Write what Jesus said we should learn from this parable of the unmerciful servant.

    4. What further understanding about the principle of forgiveness did the Lord give in Doctrine and Covenants 64:8–10?