undefined undefined Matthew 2: Wise Men Seek and Find Jesus
Seminaries and Institutes
Matthew 2: Wise Men Seek and Find Jesus

“Matthew 2: Wise Men Seek and Find Jesus,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Matthew 2,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Matthew 2

Wise Men Seek and Find Jesus

At the time of Jesus’ birth the Jews were under Roman rule and the Romans had appointed Herod to be their king. Herod was a Gentile, an Idumean, who converted to the Jewish faith. He tried to gain favor with the Jews by rebuilding their temple at enormous cost. His reign was also famous for his jealousy of all who might threaten his power and for his cruel acts—one of which is recorded in Matthew 2 (see “Herod” in the Bible Dictionary, pp. 700–1, for more information about this king and his family).

In Matthew 2 you will also read about “wise men from the east” who went to Herod in Jerusalem, looking for a newly born “King of the Jews.” Many stories and legends are told about these men from the east. Look for what Matthew said about them that would explain why he made special mention of them in his testimony of the Savior’s birth and early years. You can learn more about these witnesses of the Savior’s birth by looking up “Magi” and “wise men of the East” in the Bible Dictionary (pp. 727–28, 789).

Be sure to notice important additions from the Joseph Smith Translation (JST) in this chapter.

Other Accounts of What You Read in Matthew 2

Matthew 2:22–23Luke 2:39

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–C) as you study Matthew 2.

  1. Just the Facts

    There are many stories and legends told about the “wise men from the east.” Using information found in Matthew 2:1–13, answer the following questions about these well-known men:

    1. How many were there?

    2. How did they know where to look for Jesus?

    3. Why did they go there?

    4. Exactly where did they find Jesus?

    5. What did they do when they visited Jesus?

    6. What did they do after they visited Jesus?

  2. Notice a Repeated Idea

    According to Matthew 2, why was Jesus born in Bethlehem, taken to Egypt, then raised in Nazareth? You may want to write the reference Doctrine and Covenants 1:38 next to one or all three of the verses that tell why those things needed to happen.

  3. What Do I Know about Jesus?

    1. Make a chart in your notebook like the one below and fill it in based on what you read in Matthew 2:1–10.


      What they knew about Jesus

      What they did with what they knew

      The Wise Men


      Chief Priests and Scribes

    2. Write a response to the following question: What do I know about Jesus, and what am I doing with what I know?