Seminaries and Institutes
Revelation 17-18: The Destruction of Babylon, the Harlot

“Revelation 17-18: The Destruction of Babylon, the Harlot,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Revelation 17-18,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Revelation 17–18

The Destruction of Babylon, the Harlot

Revelation 14 tells how John heard an angel declare that Babylon would be destroyed (see v. 8). Revelation 16:19 begins the account of that destruction, and Revelation 17–18 continues the account in greater detail. As in other parts of Revelation, the destruction of Babylon is described using symbolic language.

Babylon was the capital city of ancient Babylonia, but in the scriptures the name often referred to the whole nation. In the Old Testament we read that the Babylonians conquered the kingdom of Judah, taking many Israelites captive to Babylon. The city of Babylon was very large and the people of the city were very wealthy, displaying their riches with fancy buildings, clothing, and leisure activities. They also worshiped idols. Because of the worldliness of Babylon, and because it was a place where the children of Israel were captive, the Lord often used the name Babylon in the scriptures to represent sin, worldliness, the influence of the devil on the earth, and the spiritual captivity that comes from these things (see D&C 1:16; 133:5, 7, 14). Babylon is the opposite of Zion, as are its values (see Moses 7:18).

Studying the Scriptures

Do the following activity as you study Revelation 17–18.

  1. Finding the Meaning of the Scriptures

    Sometimes, the interpretation of a symbol or confusing passage of scripture can be understood by searching for clues in verses before or after it.

    1. Compare Revelation 17:1–2, 6, 18 with Revelation 18:2–3, 24 and write a statement in your notebook about who the “whore” or woman in Revelation 17 symbolizes.

    2. What does Revelation 17:15 help you understand about Revelation 17:1?

    3. Revelation 17:3 speaks of a beast with seven heads and ten horns. According to Revelation 17:12, what are the horns?

    On other occasions, you may need to turn to other books of scripture for help in understanding or for additional information. After you learn an interpretation (as you should in steps 1–5), you may want to mark your scriptures in a way that leads you to that interpretation the next time you study these chapters. For example, you may want to highlight the helpful reference in your footnotes or write the cross-reference in the margin next to the verse.

    1. To help you understand Revelation 17, read 1 Nephi 14:9–17. Write what you learn about the meaning of the beast and what the woman did before the time period spoken of in Revelation 17.

    2. How does Doctrine and Covenants 133:14 help you understand what it means to follow the Lord’s command in Revelation 18:4?

    There are times when it is difficult to find additional help in the scriptures. The meaning has to come through the Spirit as you take time to ponder. A helpful way to ponder over symbolic language is to take time to picture in your mind the symbols, and then write down a description of them. Ask yourself questions like: What are the most significant features of the symbol? What feeling or message do those features create? What is the spiritual message? These simple ideas often encourage pondering that invites a spirit of insight and understanding. Try using them in completing steps 6–7.

    1. What does the description of the woman in Revelation 17:4 teach you about what Babylon represents?

    2. Considering what you have learned, why is a harlot an appropriate symbol for Babylon? (You may want to consider information given in the introduction and the “Understanding the Scriptures” section.)
