undefined undefined Revelation 2-3: Counsel for Seven Branches of the Church
Seminaries and Institutes
Revelation 2-3: Counsel for Seven Branches of the Church

“Revelation 2-3: Counsel for Seven Branches of the Church,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Revelation 2-3,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Revelation 2–3

Counsel for Seven Branches of the Church

Revelation 2–3 contains counsel that John gave to seven branches of the Church in his day. You will notice, however, that John was simply the messenger; the words are the counsel of the Lord. Like the counsel given to us today through our leaders, the purpose of the counsel in Revelation 2–3 was to encourage members to live according to Christ’s teachings and receive the blessings of the gospel. It should not be too difficult to understand how the counsel given in these chapters applies to Church members in our day. You will especially want to note the promises the Lord gave to the faithful. They are still true today.

Studying the Scriptures

Do the following two activities (A and B) as you study Revelation 2–3.

  1. Organize What You Read

    The Lord’s counsel to each of the seven branches of the Church in Asia follows a pattern: He repeated one of the descriptions of Himself from Revelation 1, He told the members of the branch what they were doing that pleased Him, He told them in what ways they needed to repent, and He told them of the blessings that would come if they were faithful. Make a chart in your notebook like the one below, and fill it in with information you find in Revelation 2–3.


    Description of Christ

    What they were doing that pleased the Lord

    What they needed to repent of

    Promised blessings

    Ephesus (see Revelation 2:1–7)

    Smyrna (see Revelation 2:8–11)

    Pergamos (see Revelation 2:12–17)

    Thyatira (see Revelation 2:18–29)

    Sardis (see Revelation 3:1–6)

    Philadelphia (see Revelation 3:7–13)

    Laodicea (see Revelation 3:14–22)

  2. Applying the Scriptures to Your Life

    1. What counsel given to the seven branches of the Church in Asia do you think most applies to the Church today? Why?

    2. Which of the promises the Lord gave to the seven Churches (see “Understanding the Scriptures” for Revelation 2) most inspires you to seek eternal life? Why?