undefined undefined Revelation 5-7: A Book with Seven Seals
Seminaries and Institutes
Revelation 5-7: A Book with Seven Seals

“Revelation 5-7: A Book with Seven Seals,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Revelation 5-7,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Revelation 5–7

A Book with Seven Seals

In his vision, John saw the throne of God. He also saw that God held a book that was sealed with seven seals (see Revelation 5:1). Jesus Christ was the only one worthy to open this book, which He did, one seal at a time. As He opened each seal, John saw a vision of what was contained in that part of the book. Revelation 6:1–11 tells about the opening of the first five seals. The opening of the sixth seal begins in Revelation 6:12 and continues through chapter 7. Doctrine and Covenants 77:6–7 teaches us that the seven seals symbolize one thousand years of history. Thus, what John saw as each seal was opened symbolized events that occurred during that thousand years of history—the first seal representing the first thousand years after the Fall, the second seal representing the second thousand years, and so forth.

Studying the Scriptures

Do at least three of the five activities (A–E) as you study Revelation 5–7.

  1. Explain an Important Doctrine

    What is the answer to the question the angel asked in Revelation 5:2?

  2. How Can He Be Both?

    1. What are the names Jesus is called in Revelation 5:5–6 that are symbolically opposites of each other?

    2. Explain how each of those names represent Jesus and how He can be both of those things.

  3. Honoring the Savior

    1. Describe what Revelation 5 tells us the individuals in heaven did to praise and honor Jesus. Why do you think they continue to honor Him in heaven?

    2. Name at least two ways you could honor Jesus here on earth. Include one that is not described in Revelation 5 and explain how you think your action would honor Him.

  4. Prescribe a Remedy

    1. What was the name of the rider of the horse in John’s vision of the fourth seal? Who followed close behind?

    2. With the help of 2 Nephi 9:6–14, describe how those two can be overcome.

  5. Spiritual Protection in the Latter Days

    1. The events John saw at the opening of the sixth seal prior to the Second Coming of Christ are especially significant to Saints today. He described it as a time of wrath and wondered who would be able to endure it (see Revelation 6:17). From Revelation 7, what did John see that signified how the righteous would be preserved in a day of judgment?

    2. In addition to the 144,000 who received this blessing, how many others were included? (see Revelation 7:9).

    3. Based on the description in Revelation 7:13–17, why were those people preserved? Why would you want to be among them? (Consider also the explanation of “sealing” in the “Understanding the Scriptures” section for Revelation 7:3–8.)

    4. What do you think are two of the most impressive symbols or images in Revelation 7 that you could use in a talk about spiritual protection in the latter days? Explain how you would use them.

Summary of the Seven Seals

First Seal

First 1000 years


White horse

Second Seal

Second 1000 years

Wars and the Flood

Red horse

Third Seal

Third 1000 years


Black horse

Fourth Seal

Fourth 1000 years


Pale horse

Fifth Seal

Fifth 1000 years


Sixth Seal

Sixth 1000 years

Restoration and natural calamities

Seventh Seal

Seventh 1000 years


Latter Days


Former Days