undefined undefined 2 John 1: Beware of False Teachers
Seminaries and Institutes
2 John 1: Beware of False Teachers

“2 John 1: Beware of False Teachers,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“2 John 1,” New Testament Student Study Guide

2 John 1

Beware of False Teachers

John warned Church members to beware of people who desired to deceive and lead them away from the truth. Are you aware of any false teachings today? How are you able to know if a person or messenger (and his message) is from God? Look for helps from the writings of 2 John.

Studying the Scriptures

Do the following activity as you study 2 John.

  1. Write a Summary Statement

    A summary statement is a one or two sentences that describe the main point of a story or book. Read 2 John and write a summary statement of what John taught in this letter.