undefined undefined 3 John 1: Help and Love Others
Seminaries and Institutes
3 John 1: Help and Love Others

“3 John 1: Help and Love Others,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“3 John 1,” New Testament Student Study Guide

3 John 1

Help and Love Others

Think of the last new family who moved into your ward or branch or who was baptized in your area. How well were they received by the members? What did you do to help them feel welcome and loved? John wrote of two people, Gaius and Diotrephes, whose treatment of others differed. What can you learn from the examples of those two men? What does 3 John teach about the importance of helping others?

Studying the Scriptures

Do the following activity as you study 3 John.

  1. Write a Description

    Imagine you have an artist friend who paints pictures of people based on how they act, not on how they look. Read 3 John and write for the artist a brief paragraph describing what you think Gaius, Diotrephes, and Demetrius were each like, giving reasons for your descriptions.