Mfano wa Mwokozi wa Utiifu
Aprili 2015

Mfano wa Mwokozi wa Utiifu

Mfano wake uliweka utaratibu kwa ajili yetu wote ili tuufuate.

Photograph of actor portraying Jesus Christ in the Bible Videos.

“Katika masomo yote tunayojifunza kutoka katika maisha ya Mwokozi, hakuna kilicho wazi na chenye nguvu zaidi ya somo la utii,” alifundisha Mzee Robert D. Hales wa Akidi ya Mitume Kumi na Wawili katika mkutano mkuu wa Aprili 2014. Mfano wa Mwokozi unatufundisha siyo tu kwa nini utiifu kwa Baba wa Mbinguni ni muhimu lakini pia ni jinsi gani tunaweza kuwa watiifu. Unapopitia upya mifano ifuatayo toka kwenye utumishi Wake, fikiria jinsi unavyoweza kutengeneza njia kwa ajili ya kuifuata katika maisha yako.

112 x 60" painting of Christ being baptized in the River Jordan by John the Baptist.

1. Japokuwa Yesu hakuwa na dhambi, alikubali ubatizo “ili kutimiza haki yote” (Mathayo 3:13–17; onapia 2 Nefi 31:4–7; Yohana 3:5).

Jesus Christ (depicted at age twelve) in the Temple in Jerusalem. Numerous doctors of Jewish law are gathered around Christ. The doctors are listening in astonishment at the wisdom of the young Christ. (Luke 2:41-50)

2. Akiwa na umri wa miaka 12, wakati Joseph na Mary walipompata Yesu akifundisha hekaluni, Aliwatii wao, “na kwa utiifu alirudi nyumbani pamoja nao” (ona Luka 2:42–51).

3. Japokuwa Aliomba kama kikombe kingemwepuka, Alijitoa na kuteseka katika Bustani ya Gethsemen (ona Mathayo 26:36–44; Luka 22:39–54).

4. Aliitii siku ya Sabato na alihudhuria ibada katika sinagogi (ona Luke 4:16–44).

5. Yesu alijitoa ili ahukumiwe na wanadamu ili kazi ya Bwana na utukufu uweze kukamilika (ona Isaya 53:7; Mathayo 26:53; Musa 1:39).

6. Alimaliza kazi yake kwa kuruhusu watu waovu kumsulubisha Yeye (ona Mathayo 27:35; Yohana 10:17–18; Wagalatia 1:3–5).

Jesus Christ depicted in the midst of people of varying races or nationalities. Christ is portrayed in white robes. He has His arms extended toward the people gathered around Him. Light emanates from the figure of Christ. The background behind the other figures is dark. The artist used the dark background to symbolize the power of Satan in the world. The light around Christ is symbolic of the protection and safety found in following Christ. (Doctrine and Covenants 1:36)

7. Wakati wote akiwa mtiifu kwa Baba Yake, Yesu alienda kwenye ulimwengu wa roho na kuanzisha kazi ya umisionari kule (ona 1 Petro 3:18–20; 4:6).

Christ standing on a rocky ledge as He rebukes Satan who appears below Him. The painting depicts the event wherein Satan tried to tempt Christ after Christ's forty day fast in the wilderness. Christ is commanding Satan to depart from His presence.

8. Yesu alijaribiwa na Shetani, lakini hakushindwa (ona Mathayo 4:1–11; M&M 20:22).

Joseph Smith, Jr. depicted kneeling in the Sacred Grove during the First Vision. A ray of light can be seen coming from the sky down through the trees toward Joseph.

9. Aliendelea kufanya mapenzi ya Bwana na kuliongoza Kanisa (ona Joseph Smith—Historia 1:16–17; M&M 19:2, 24).