undefined undefined Acts 10: The Gospel Is for Everyone
Seminaries and Institutes
Acts 10: The Gospel Is for Everyone

“Acts 10: The Gospel Is for Everyone,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Acts 10,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Acts 10

The Gospel Is for Everyone

Since the time of Moses there had been a very careful distinction made between God’s covenant people and everyone else. The Jews believed that the only way a Gentile (non-Israelite) could be acceptable to God was for that person to first become a Jew by submitting to all of the ordinances and requirements of the law of Moses.

Peter had two experiences that dramatically changed the practice of the Church and a thousand years of Jewish tradition. Through a vision, he learned that God is truly “no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34). Peter then had a remarkable meeting with some devout Gentiles. Until then it appears that all who had joined the Church were either Jews or were Gentiles who had previously been converted to Judaism. Peter was able to teach the people that the law of Moses had been completely fulfilled and that Gentiles could come directly into the Church without first becoming Jews.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A or B as you study Acts 10.

  1. A Thousand Years of Law and Tradition Ended by Revelation

    After reading Acts 10, write a diary entry about Peter’s experience as if you were he. Imagine what it would have been like to receive a revelation that ended a practice of the law of Moses that was observed for many generations. Be sure to tell about the following events and how Peter might have felt about them:

    Explain why this was such an amazing event (see the introduction for Acts 10).

  2. Peter’s Vision of a Great Sheet

    Draw a picture of Peter’s vision of the great sheet or list the unclean animals Peter may have seen. See Leviticus 11 for a list of unclean animals.