Seminaries and Institutes
Acts 8-9: The Conversion of Saul

“Acts 8-9: The Conversion of Saul,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Acts 8-9,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Acts 8–9

The Conversion of Saul

Have you ever done something boldly and enthusiastically because you thought you were doing the right thing, only to find out later that what you were doing was wrong? Acts 8–9 introduces us to Saul of Tarsus, a Pharisee. Saul was one of those who, just as the Savior predicted, thought persecuting the followers of Jesus of Nazareth was doing service to God (see John 16:2). But Saul’s greatest desire was to do what was right. In these chapters you will read about how Saul the Pharisee became Paul the Apostle and changed from persecutor to prophet.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A–C as you study Acts 8–9.

  1. Simon the Sorcerer

    The Church members faced great persecution because of persecutors like Saul and had to flee from Jerusalem. Phillip fled to Samaria where he met Simon, a sorcerer. Review Acts 8:1–24 and answer the following questions:

    1. What did the people think of Simon before Philip came?

    2. Where did they think Simon’s power came from?

    3. What did Simon think of Philip’s message?

    4. Why did Peter and John go to Samaria? (see the “Understanding the Scriptures” section for Acts 8:14–17).

    5. What did Simon want from Peter?

    6. What did Peter teach Simon about the priesthood?

  2. Philip and the Ethiopian

    Philip took many opportunities to use his priesthood as he traveled. When he saw an Ethiopian man struggling to understand the scriptures, he ran and preached the gospel of repentance to him. In Doctrine and Covenants 13 we learn that the Aaronic Priesthood holds the keys, or power, to (1) receive the ministering of angels, (2) teach the gospel of repentance, and (3) baptize by immersion for the remission of sins. Read Acts 8:26–40 and describe in your notebook how Philip used each of those powers.

  3. “Saul, Why Persecutest Thou Me?”

    Acts 9:1–31 contains an account of Saul’s miraculous conversion on the road to Damascus and the beginning of his missionary career. Several events help us understand why Saul (who became known as Paul) was so dedicated to the gospel after this experience.

    1. From your reading of Acts 9, write an explanation of each event illustrated.

    2. Write a paragraph summarizing what this chapter teaches about Saul and about the Lord’s patience with His children, especially those who want to do what is right.
