undefined undefined Acts 6-7: The Death of Stephen
Seminaries and Institutes
Acts 6-7: The Death of Stephen

“Acts 6-7: The Death of Stephen,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Acts 6-7,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Acts 6–7

The Death of Stephen

In Acts 5 you read about the disciples “rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for [Jesus’] name” (Acts 5:41). In Acts 6–7 you will read about one of those early disciples who was not afraid to die for his faith. Stephen testified of the truth so boldly that wicked men stoned him to death. As you read these chapters, look for who Stephen was and what he said that angered the people enough to kill him.

You may not be called upon to die for your testimony as Stephen did. However, you may be called upon to face other challenges as you strive to do what you know is right. Are you ready?

Studying the Scriptures

Do either activity A or activities B and C as you study Acts 7.

  1. Stephen, Role Model for Faithful Servants

    In Acts 6:3–8 Stephen, one of the seven men chosen to help the Apostles, is described as being honest and full of the Holy Ghost, wisdom, faith, and the power of prayer. Review the story of Stephen in Acts 6–7 and give examples of how Stephen demonstrated each of those qualities.

  2. Moses, Man of Prophecy and Destiny

    Review Stephen’s description of Moses in Acts 7:19–29 and Paul’s description in Hebrews 11:24–25. Write in your notebook what you learned about Moses that you did not know before.

  3. Scripture Mastery—Acts 7:55–56

    Before Stephen was stoned to death for his testimony of the Savior, he testified that he saw Him in a wonderful vision. Read Acts 7:55–60 and mark his words in your scriptures. Write a summary of his last words and what impressed you about them.