Seminaries and Institutes
Hebrews 12: Commitment and Correction

“Hebrews 12: Commitment and Correction,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Hebrews 12,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Hebrews 12

Commitment and Correction

Hebrews 11 contains many stories of people who demonstrated faith in Jesus Christ. In Hebrews 12 Paul explained how having such faith should inspire us to trust in the Lord. Allowing the Lord to correct us and staying committed to the end of our lives are two important ways we can show our faith and trust in Him. Having been inspired by the stories and examples in Hebrews 11, look in Hebrews 12 for how you can apply what you learned.

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–C) as you study Hebrews 12.

  1. Enduring with Strength

    1. In Hebrews 11 Paul listed many examples of faithful individuals. Read Hebrews 12:1–2 and list what Paul encouraged the Hebrew Saints to do to show their faith.

    2. Explain how “looking unto” Jesus can help us finish “the race that is set before us” (the challenge of living faithfully until death). List two ways you could more fully look unto Jesus in your life.

  2. The Correction of a Loving Father

    1. According to Hebrews 12:5–8, why should we be pleased when we receive correction or chastisement from Heavenly Father or His servants?

    2. Name at least two ways Heavenly Father corrects us.

    3. Explain how Heavenly Father’s corrections demonstrate His love for you, or give an example of a time when you felt the truthfulness of the ideas expressed in Hebrews 12:11.

  3. Our Effect on Others

    In Hebrews 12:12–14 Paul counseled the Saints to help and serve one another. Then in verse 15 he warned them that if they forgot how God had blessed them and allowed negative feelings to develop, their bad example would cause trouble for themselves and others. Write about a time when someone’s positive example of love, service, or kindness helped you want to be more righteous.