Seminaries and Institutes
Hebrews 11: The Power of Faith in Jesus Christ

“Hebrews 11: The Power of Faith in Jesus Christ,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Hebrews 11,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Hebrews 11

The Power of Faith in Jesus Christ

This mortal life requires that we live by faith. The Bible contains many examples of people who showed us how to do this, and Paul named several of them in Hebrews 11. Like those great men and women in the scriptures, we seek by faith to understand and follow Heavenly Father’s plan in faith. When we center our faith in Jesus Christ, we gain strength to endure trials and temptations and are able to make spiritual progress toward our heavenly home.

President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “When all is said and done, the only real wealth of the Church is in the faith of its people” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1991, 74; or Ensign, May 1991, 54). As you read Hebrews 11, consider how you can apply the great examples of faith demonstrated by the men and women Paul wrote about and add your faith to the real wealth of God’s kingdom.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Hebrews 11.

  1. Examples of Faith

    1. In your notebook, make a chart listing people of faith. Use what you learned in Hebrews 11 and the example in the following chart.


      Hebrews 11

      How Showed Faith

      Blessings Received


      v. 4

      Offered a “more excellent sacrifice” to God

      A witness from God that he was righteous in His sight

    2. Choose one of the people who was an example of faith. Write briefly about how that person’s example applies to you and the faith you need to meet the challenges you face today. How were that person’s challenges like your challenges?

  2. “By Faith”

    We are told many times in Hebrews 11 that “by faith” those great men and women of the past obtained God’s blessings.

    1. Give at least three examples of people you feel could be included in this chapter if it were written in your time and where you live.

    2. Using Paul’s pattern from Hebrews 11, write about the three people you chose. Start each example with “By faith,” and then give the name of the person, tell what he or she did that showed great faith, explain why it showed great faith, and list some of the blessings God has promised such a person in this life and the next.
