undefined undefined Hebrews 6-10: The Law of Moses Testified of Christ
Seminaries and Institutes
Hebrews 6-10: The Law of Moses Testified of Christ

“Hebrews 6-10: The Law of Moses Testified of Christ,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Hebrews 6-10,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Hebrews 6–10

The Law of Moses Testified of Christ

Paul taught the Jewish converts how the Old Testament teachings and practices were fulfilled by Jesus Christ and His gospel (see Hebrews 6–10). He tried to show them that the “new covenant” of Jesus Christ is greater than the “old covenant” because the new covenant has the power to assure eternal life.

Studying the Scriptures

Do the following activity as you study Hebrews 6–10.

  1. Two Great Prophets

    Read Hebrews 7:1–4, including the Joseph Smith Translation of verse 3, and write what you learn about Abraham and Melchizedek. The first part of verse 3 refers to the priesthood, not Melchizedek, and means that a person did not have to come from a specific tribe of Israel to receive this higher priesthood. The last part of the verse applies to all who receive the Melchizedek Priesthood. (See Bruce R. McConkie, The Promised Messiah: The First Coming of Christ [1978], p. 451.)