Seminaries and Institutes
Matthew 17: The Mount of Transfiguration

“Matthew 17: The Mount of Transfiguration,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“Matthew 17,” New Testament Student Study Guide

Matthew 17

The Mount of Transfiguration

Matthew 16 tells that Jesus promised Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 17 tells about the time when Peter, James, and John received them. These keys include the power to administer the ordinances of salvation in a manner acceptable to God and the power to administer the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth. An event similar to this one in Matthew occurred in our day when the Prophet Joseph Smith received the keys of the kingdom for this dispensation in the Kirtland Temple in 1836 (see D&C 110). Since then the keys have been given by ordination to every Church President.

For more information about what happened in this chapter, look up “Transfiguration, Mount of,” in the Bible Dictionary (p. 786).

Other Accounts of What You Read in Matthew 17

Matthew 17:1–23Mark 9:2–32; Luke 9:28–45

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A and either B or C as you study Matthew 17.

  1. What Did They Learn?

    What did Peter, James, and John learn about Jesus on the mount? (see Matthew 17:1–9; Peter later testified of this event in 2 Peter 1:16–19).

  2. What Makes the Difference?

    Matthew 17:14–21 tells how Jesus healed a young man with an illness. The disciples wondered why they were not able to heal the man with the priesthood they had been given by Jesus.

    1. List three things Jesus said could have helped the disciples heal the man. Explain how or why they are necessary.

    2. Write about a time when practicing one of these three principles helped you do something that was difficult, or even seemingly impossible. If you have not had an experience like that, talk with someone you think might have. Ask that person about it and briefly write about what you learn.

  3. What Is the Message?

    Write at least two lessons you think we can learn from what Jesus said and did in Matthew 17:24–27, and tell why those lessons are important to you.
