Scripture Stories
Jebta 14: Nicodemus

Jebta 14


Nicodemus - ch.14-1

Nicodemus eaar uwaan juōn doulul an Riju ro ņa etaer Parasi ro. E eaar barāinwōt juōn ritōl an Riju ro. Elōn̄ Parasi ro raar jab tōmak bwe Jisōs Kraist kar jilkintok jān Anij. Bōtaab Nicdemus eaar tōmak kōnke kōn menin kabwilōn̄lōn̄ ko Jisōs eaar kōm̧m̧ani.

Nicodemus comes at night to talk to Jesus - ch.14-2

Nicodemus eaar itok n̄an kōnono ippān RiLo̧mo̧o̧r eo juōn bon̄ōn. Jisōs eaar jiron̄ ļo̧k e bwe ejjeļo̧k juōn enaaj maron̄ in deļo̧n̄e ļo̧k aelōn in kiin̄ eo an Anij eļan̄n̄e ejjab bar ļotak.

Nicodemus asks Jesus how a person can be born again - ch.14-3

Nicodemus eaar jab meļeļe. Ekōjkaan an juōn armej maron̄ in bar ļo̧tak? RiLo̧mo̧o̧r eo eaar kōmeļeļeik bwe E eaar kōnono kōn men ko an Jetōb. N̄an bar ļotak, juōn armej ej aikuj in peptaij ilo dān im bōk Jetōb Kwojarjar.

Jesus tells Nicodemus He is on earth to prepare a way for all men to return to Heavenly Father - ch.14-4

Jisōs eaar kōmeļeļeik bwe E kar jilkintok n̄an laļ in n̄an jipan̄ kōj aolep bar rool n̄an ippān Jemed Ilan̄. E eaar ba bwe E enaaj kar aikuj in en̄taan kōn jerawiwi ko ad im mej ioon debwāāl bwe jān maron̄ in bōk mour indeeo.

Jesus tells Nicodemus that men need to choose the right to live in the kingdom of God - ch.14-5

E eaar ba bwe jej aikuj in tōmak ilo E im kālet jim̧we eo. Eļan̄n̄e jej kōm̧m̧ane ta eo ejim̧we, jenaaj mour indeeo ilo aelōn̄ in kiin̄ eo an Anij.
