Scripture Stories
Jebta 32: Pita ej Kam̧ool kōn Kraist

Jebta 32

Pita ej Kam̧ool kōn Kraist

Jesus asks His disciples who people say that He is - ch.32-1

Jisōs eaar kajjitōk ippān rikaļoor ro An wōn eo armej ro raar ļōmņak E eaar.

The disciples tell Jesus that some say He is John the Baptist, some Elias or some other Old Testament prophet - ch.32-2

Rikaļoor ro raar uwaak bwe jet armej raar ļōmņak Jisōs eaar Jon Ripeptaij. Jet raar ļōmņak E eaar juōņ rikanaan in Kalim̧m̧ur M̧okta eo eaar bar rool tok jān mej.

Peter tells Jesus that He is the Christ - ch.32-3

Jisōs ekaar ba n̄an rikaļoor ro An wōn N̄a ilo ami kar ļōmņak. Pita eaar uwaak, “Kwe eo RiKraist, Nejin Anij emour.”

Jesus explains to Peter that his testimony comes by a revelation from God - ch .32-4

Jisōs eaar kōmeļeļeik bwe naan in kam̧ool eo an Pita eaar jab itok jān ekkatak an armej. Naan in kam̧ool eo an ej itok jān mandenļo̧k jān Anij.

Jesus tells Peter that the true church would be founded on Him and His teachings - ch.32-5

Jisōs eaar kalim̧m̧uri Pita bwe E enaaj kar leļo̧k n̄an e priesthood im maron̄ eo n̄an tōl Kabun̄ eo An. Innem Pita im rikaļoor ro ren maron̄ in wōr maron̄ eo n̄an kajutak Kabun̄ eo an Jisōs ioon laļ in.

Jesus tells His disciples to tell no one that He is the Christ - ch.32-6

Jisōs eaar jiron̄ ļo̧k rikaļoor ro An bwe ren jab kijōrin ba n̄an jabdewōt bwe E eaar RiKraist eo. M̧okta E eaar aikuji in en̄taan, kar m̧aane, im jerkak jān mej ilo raan eo kein kajilu.
