Scripture Stories
Jebta 50: Katak ko jet ilo Kōjota eo Āliktata

Jebta 50

Katak ko Jet ilo Kōjota eo Āliktata

Jesus teaches that people will know His disciples if they love one another - ch.50-1

Ālkin an mōj aer mōn̄ā, Jisōs eaar jiron̄ ļo̧k Rijilōk ro An bwe rej aikuj in iakwe doon āinwōt E eaar iakwe er. Eļan̄n̄e rej kōm̧m̧ane menin, armej renaaj kar jeļā bwe raar rikaļoor ro An.

Jesus tells His disciples that if they love Him they will keep His commandments - ch.50-2

E eaar ba bwe eļan̄n̄e Rijilōk ro an rej iakwe E, renaaj kōjparok kien ko An. E eaar kalim̧m̧uri er menin letok eo an Jetōb Kwojarjar. Jetōb Kwojarjar enaaj kar katakin er aolep men ko raar kōņaan jeļā. Jetōb Kwojarjar enaaj jipan̄ Rijilōk ro kememej aolep men ko Jisōs eaar katakin er.

Jesus says that He is the true vine - ch.50-3

Jisōs eaar ba bwe E eaar āinwōt juōn wōjke. Rikaļoor ro An rej āinwōt ra ko ran wōjke eo. Raa eo wōt me epen an depdep n̄an wōjke eo emaron̄ kalle leen eo em̧m̧an.

Jesus tells His disciples that if they live the gospel they will be like branches of the good vine - ch.50-4

Jisōs eaar kalim̧m̧uri Rijilōk ro An bwe eļan̄n̄e rej mour kōn gospel eo, leen ko aer (jerbal ko aer) renaaj em̧m̧an. Eļan̄n̄e repan ļoor E, rejjamin āinwōt raa ko rej jōki im julok jān juōn menin eddōk im rejjab jōbar.

Christ prays for His disciples - ch.50-5

Jisōs Kraist eaar jar bwe Rijilōk ro An renaaj juōn wōt. E eaar kōņaan bwe ren katakin armej n̄an tōmak ilo E im n̄an jeļā bwe Jemedwōj Ilan̄ ej iakwe er.

Jesus and the Apostles sing a hymn - ch.50-6

Innem Jisōs im Rijilōk ro raar al juōn al im kar etal jān ruum̧ eo.
