Scripture Stories
BŪRABŌĻ eo kein kajuōn: Jiip eo Ejōbwābwe

BŪRABŌĻ eo kein kajuōn

Jiip eo Ejōbwābwe

A shepherd looks after his flock of 100 sheep - ch.35-4

Juōn rilale jiip eo em̧m̧an ewōr 100 nejin jiip. Juōn iaer eaar jōbwābwe.

The shepherd leaves the 99 other sheep and looks for the lost sheep - ch.35-5

Rilale jiip eo eaar likūt 99 jiip ko n̄an pukot juōn eo ejōbwābwe. Ke eaar loe, e eaar lukkuun m̧ōņōņō.

The shepherd carries the sheep home on his shoulders and invites his neighbors to rejoice with him - ch.35-6

Rilale jiip eo eaar ineeke jiip eo n̄an m̧weo im̧ōn. E eaar kūr ļo̧k aolep ro m̧ōttan im ro riturin n̄an ilo̧k im m̧ōņōņō ippān. E emōj an lo jiip eo eaar jōbwābwe.

Jesus Christ explains that sinners are like the lost sheep and there will be joy in heaven if a sinner repents - ch.35-7

Jisōs Kraist eaar jiron̄ ļo̧k Parasi ro ta meļeļe in būrabōļ eo. E eaar ba bwe ro me rej jerawiwi rej āinwōt jiip eo eaar jōbwābwe.

Jesus explains that just as the shepherd wanted to save the lost sheep He wants to save sinners - ch.35-8

Ejja āinwōt kar rilale jiip eo kōņaan kōjparok jiip eo eaar jōbwābwe, Jisōs ekōņaan lo̧mo̧o̧ren ro rej jerawiwi.

Jesus tells the Pharisees that that is why He was talking with sinners - ch.35-10

Jisōs eaar kwaļo̧k meļeļe in etke E eaar kōnono ippān rijerawiwi ro.

Matu 18:11 (lale footnote 11c); Mark 2:17

Just as the shepherd was happy to find his sheep, Jesus is happy when sinners repent - ch.35-9

Im ejja āinwōt an kar rilale jiip eo lukkuun m̧ōņōņō ke eaar lo jiip eo eaar jōbwābwe, Jisōs ej lukkuun m̧ōņōņō n̄e jej ukweļo̧k.
