Scripture Stories
Jebta 19: Kwaļo̧k eo ilo Toļ eo

Jebta 19

Kwaļo̧k eo ioon Toļ eo

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus teaching on a mountainside by the Sea of Galilee - ch.20-1

Juōn raan Jisōs eaar katakin ro Rikaļoraan gospel eo ilo tōrerein toļ eo turin Lojetōn Galilee.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus is teaching the people how to live - ch.20-2

E eaar jiron̄ ļo̧k er ekōjkan n̄an mour bwe ren maron̄ in m̧ōņōņō im bar mour ippān Jemed Ilan̄. Men ko E eaar katakin er remaron̄ barāinwōt kam̧ōņōņōik kōj.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus is telling the people to be gentle, patient and willing to follow the Lord - ch.20-3

Jisōs eaar ba bwe jej aikuj in meanwōd, kijenmej, im m̧ōņōņō n̄an pokake Jemed Ilan̄.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus teaches the people that they should be righteous - ch.20-4

Jej aikuj in kajion̄ jon̄an wōt ad maron̄ n̄an erom̧ wānōk.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus teaches that we should forgive those who do wrong to us - a man who has been injured is pictured with his attacker - ch.20-5

Jej aikuj in joļo̧k ruwōn armej ro me raar kōmetak kōj ak kōm̧m̧an bwe jān inepata. Eļan̄n̄e jenaaj joļo̧k ruweer, Jemed Ilan̄ enaaj joļo̧k ruwōd.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus teaches the people to be peacemakers - people giving food to others is depicted - ch.20-6

Jej aikuj erom̧ rikōm̧m̧an aenōm̧m̧an, iakwe armej ro jet, im jipan̄ aolep n̄an iakwe doon.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus tells the people to spread the gospel and do good - a man teaching an older woman is depicted - ch.20-7

Jej jab aikuj in mijak n̄an kwaļo̧k n̄an armej kōn gospel eo ak kwaļo̧k n̄an er bwe jej iakwe Jemed Ilan̄. N̄e armej ro jet rej lo ad kōm̧m̧an em̧m̧an, enaaj jipan̄ er tōmak ilo Anij barāinwōt.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus teaches the people to keep promises - a man is depicted giving money to a woman who is selling bread - ch.20-8

Jej aikuj aolep iien kōjparok kalim̧m̧ur ko ad.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus teaches the people to treat others as they would want to be treated - a man is depicted helping a lame man walk - ch.20-9

Im āinwōt ad kōņaan bwe ro jet ren jouj n̄an kōj, jej aikuj in jouj n̄an er.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus tells the people they will be happy and blessed if they follow they things He has told them - ch.20-10

Jisōs eaar ba bwe eļan̄n̄e jej kōm̧m̧ane men kein, jenaaj m̧ōņōņō, Jemed Ilan̄ enaaj kōjeram̧m̧an kōj, im jenaaj bar mour Ippān.
