Scripture Stories
Jebta 20: Jisōs ej Katakin kōn Jar

Jebta 20

Jisōs ej Katakin kōn Jar

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus tells His disciples that they should pray in private - depicted is a man praying in public to be seen of men - ch.21-1

Jisōs eaar katakin ro Rikaļoraan ewi wāween jar. E eaar ba bwe jet armej rej jar bwe ro jet ren loe aer jar. Jisōs eaar katakin bwe jej aikuj kōm̧mane jar ko ad make ijo me jemaron̄ make ļo̧k iaad ie, eļan̄n̄e emaron̄.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus tells His disciples that they should think about what they are saying and not use vain repetitions - ch.21-2

E eaar ba bwe jet armej rej ba eliji im bar eliji naan ko ilo iien aer jar. Er rejjab ļōmņak kōn ta eo rej ba. Jisōs eaar ba bwe jej aikuj jar ilo m̧ool kōn ta ko jej aikuji.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus shows His disciples how to pray - the Lord's Prayer - ch.21-3

RiLo̧mo̧o̧r eo eaar ba juōn jar n̄an kwaļo̧k n̄an ro Rikaļooran ekōjkan jar. E eaar jino ilo an ba, “Jemedwōj … ilo lan̄.” E eaar nōbar Jemed Ilan̄ im kar kajjitōk Ippān kōn jipan̄. E eaar ba “amen” ilo jemļo̧k in jar eo An. Tok ālik, Jisōs eaar jiron̄ ļo̧k ro Rikaļooran n̄an jar n̄an Jemen ilo Etan. E eaar kalim̧m̧ur bwe Jemed Ilan̄ enaaj kar uwaake jar ko aer.
