Ha’api’ira’a a te mau Peresideni
Tabula o te mau hoho‘a

Tabula o te mau hoho‘a

Te tapo’i: Wilford Woodruff, na Grant Romney Clawson.

Api iv: Wilford Woodruff, na H. E. Perterson.

Api vi: Hoho‘a patahia e Steve Bunderson. © 1997 Steve Bunderson. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api viii: Hoho‘a patahia e Steve Bunderson. © 1997 Steve Bunderson. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api xxviii: Te Revaraa o Wilford Woodruff i te Misioni i Peretane, na Sam Lawlor. © 2001 Sam Lawlor. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api xxxiii: Hoho‘a patahia e John Telford. © 2000 John Telford. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api xliv: Te Orama Matamua a Iosepha Semita, na Walter Rane, ma te parau faati‘a a te Fare vairaa taihaa aamu ohipa rimai a te Ekalesia.

Api 5: Te Faatoro‘araa te Mesia i na Aposetolo Hoê Ahuru Ma Piti, na Harry Anderson.

Api 7: Te Faaho‘i–faahou–raa–hia mai te Autahu‘araa a Melehizedeka, na Kenneth Riley.

Api 14: Te peropheta a te Fatu, na David Lindsley. © 2000 David Lindsley. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api 18: Te Orama Matamua, na Tom Holdman.

Api 21: To Iosepha Semita Amuiraa Hopea e te mau Aposetolo, na Robert T. Barrett. © 2004 Robert T. Barrett.

Api 26: Te Peresideniraa Matamua e te P∂p∂ no te Tino Ahuru Ma Piti Aposetolo, 1853, na Frederick Hawkins Piercy.

Api 31: Te Tatararaa o Daniela i te Moemoea a Nebukanesa, na Grant Romney Clawson.

Api 39: Mai Ta‘u Nei, te Horo‘a’tu nei Au na Oe, na Walter Rane.

Api 57: Hoho‘a patahia e Brian Wilcox. © 1986 Brian Wilcox. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api 62: Ua Faaroo Maria i Ta’na Parau, na Walter Rane. Faturaa na te Museum of Church History and Art.

Api 72: Ia Tupu râ to Oe Hinaaro, Eiaha To‘u, na Harry Anderson. © Pacific Press Publishing Association. Faaohipa na roto i te parau faati‘a.

Api 76: Te Faatatauroraa, na Harry Anderson.

Api 79: Te Mamoe tei Mo‘e, na Del Parson. © 1998 Del Parson. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api 84: Ua Ti‘a Faahou A‘enei Ïa, na Del Parson. © 1996 Del Parson. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api 89: To Iesu Fâraa i na Pae Hanere, na Grant Romney Clawson. © 1971 Grant Romney Clawson.

Api 92: Sketch—Hunaraa ma‘i no Temple Hill, na A. VaLoy Eaton.

Api 98: Te Vahi Faaapuraa no Benbow e te Vai Hopuna, na Francis R. (Frank) Magleby.

Api 152: Te Pufara no Ziona, na C. C. A. Christensen. Faturaa na Brigham Young Museum of Art. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api 160: Faataaraa no Emma Smith, te Vahine Ma‘itihia, na Theodore S. Gorka.

Api 164: Te Tomoraa o Brigham Young i roto i te Afaa, na Glen S. Hopkinson. © 1997 Glen S. Hopkinson. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api 168: Te Faaoraraa te Mesia i te Taata Rima Màrô, na Robert T. Barrett. © 1981 IRI. Faturaa na te Museum of Church History and Art.

Api 175: Hoho‘a patahia e Steve Bunderson. © Steve Bunderson. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api 179: Hoho‘a patahia aita e fatu. Courtesy Special Collections Department, J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api 213: Hoho‘a patahia e Steve Tregeagle. © 1996 Steve Tregeagle. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api 218: Wilford Woodruff, na George Henry Taggert.

Api 234. i te pae atau ni‘a: Hoho‘a patahia e Steve Bunderson. © 1995 Steve Bunderson. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api 234, i raro i te pae aui: Hoho‘a patahia e Steve Bunderson. © 1996 Steve Bunderson. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api 242: Mau Pereoo Puaahorofenua Tapo‘i, na Gary L. Kapp. © 1989 Gary L. Kapp. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api 246: E Ma‘irihia To’na I‘oa Te Hau Ê, na Dewey. © 2000 Simon Dewey. Eiaha e pata faarahi.

Api 278: Te Tae–Piti–raa Mai, na Harry Anderson.

Api 284: E Hau, E Ere Mai ta to te Ao Nei Horo‘a Ta‘u Horo‘a, na Michael T. Malm. Faturaa na te Museum of Church History and Art.
