truth abides forever, D&C 1:39.
Joseph Smith to hold keys if he abide in the Lord, D&C 35:18.
elect shall abide day of the Lord’s coming, D&C 35:21.
he who is not purified shall not abide the Lord’s coming, D&C 38:8.
Aaronic Priesthood to abide forever with priesthood after holiest order of God, D&C 84:18.
he who cannot abide law of a kingdom cannot abide glory of that kingdom, D&C 88:22–24.
earth abides law of celestial kingdom, D&C 88:25.
earth shall abide power by which it is quickened, D&C 88:26.
that which abides not by law remains filthy, D&C 88:35.
that which abides in sin cannot be sanctified by law, D&C 88:35.
who can abide the Lord’s coming, D&C 128:24.
if ye abide not new and everlasting covenant, ye are damned, D&C 132:4.
all who will have blessing shall abide law appointed for that blessing, D&C 132:5.
he who receives fulness of the Lord’s glory must abide the law, D&C 132:6.