Jesus Christ—Creator See also Creation; God—Creator; God the Father; Jesus Christ—Jehovah the Creator to die for all men, 2 Ne. 9:5. Jesus Christ, the Creator of all things, Mosiah 3:8. man to have eternal life through mercy of him who created all things, Mosiah 5:15. I take upon me sins of world, for I have created them, Mosiah 26:23. exercise faith in Redemption of him who created you, Alma 5:15. thy maker, thy Redeemer, 3 Ne. 22:5. Christ has created man after body of his spirit, Ether 3:16. by power of his Spirit, Christ created all things, spiritual and temporal, D&C 29:30–31. Christ spake and world was made, D&C 38:1–3. hearken to him who laid foundations of earth and made heavens, D&C 45:1. by the Only Begotten worlds are and were created, D&C 76:24. Christ is light of sun and power by which it was made, D&C 88:7. world was made by the Redeemer, D&C 93:9. worlds without number have I created by the Son, Moses 1:33 (2:1). one like unto God says, We will go down and make an earth, Abr. 3:24. the Gods organized and formed heavens and earth, Abr. 4:1.