priesthood to be revealed by hand of Elijah, D&C 2:1.
priesthood bearers to be ordained by power of the Holy Ghost, D&C 20:60.
revelations on priesthood, D&C 84; 107.
priesthood continues in Church in all generations, D&C 84:17.
priesthood is without beginning of days or end of years, D&C 84:17.
oath and covenant of priesthood, D&C 84:33–41.
wo unto those who come not unto this priesthood, D&C 84:42.
priesthood has continued through lineage of fathers, D&C 86:8.
priesthood must remain until restoration of all things, D&C 86:10.
elders are saviors unto Israel through priesthood, D&C 86:11.
there are two priesthoods in Church, D&C 107:1.
patriarchal order of priesthood was instituted in days of Adam, D&C 107:40–41.
power of priesthood given unto Twelve, D&C 112:30.
root of Jesse is descendant of Jesse and Joseph1 unto whom rightly belongs priesthood, D&C 113:6.
Zion has right to priesthood by lineage, D&C 113:8.
Saints’ persecutors shall not have right to priesthood, D&C 121:21.
rights of priesthood are inseparably connected with powers of heaven, D&C 121:36.
amen to priesthood or authority of man who exercises compulsion, D&C 121:37.
no power or influence can be maintained by virtue of priesthood, D&C 121:41.
there is no place where the Lord can restore fulness of priesthood, D&C 124:28.
his priesthood no man taketh from David Patten, D&C 124:130.
the Lord is about to restore many things pertaining to priesthood, D&C 127:8.
nature of ordinances of baptism for dead consists in binding power of priesthood, D&C 128:8.
Malachi saw restoration of priesthood, D&C 128:17 (Mal. 4:5–6).
angels declaring power of their priesthood, D&C 128:21.
I have conferred upon you keys of priesthood, D&C 132:45.
revelation received extending priesthood to all worthy male members, OD 2.