by transgression of laws, man became sensual, devilish, fallen, D&C 20:20.
whosoever goes to law against thee shall be cursed by law, D&C 24:17.
all things are spiritual, the Lord has never given a law which was temporal, D&C 29:34.
Saints to have no laws but the Lord’s when he comes, D&C 38:22.
law teaches how to govern Church, D&C 41:3 (42:59).
by prayer of faith men receive law, D&C 41:3.
see that the Lord’s law is kept, D&C 41:4 (58:19).
he who receives the Lord’s law and does it is his disciple, D&C 41:5.
revelation on law of Church, D&C 42.
hear and obey law, D&C 42:2.
laws given in scriptures, D&C 42:28.
scriptures given for law to govern Church, D&C 42:59.
observe laws, D&C 42:66.
deal with adulterers according to law of God, D&C 42:81.
those who do iniquity should be delivered to law of God, D&C 42:87.
offenders who confess not should be delivered to law of God, D&C 42:91.
Church to receive commandments as law only through one appointed to receive revelation, D&C 43:2–7.
when assembled, Saints to instruct each other how to act upon points of law, D&C 43:8–9.
all things to be done according to the Lord’s law, D&C 44:6.
they who knew no law will have part in First Resurrection, D&C 45:54.
the Lord’s people to be organized according to his laws, D&C 51:2, 15.
counselors to assist bishop according to laws of Church, D&C 58:18.
he who keeps God’s laws has no need to break laws of land, D&C 58:21.
laws received from God are laws of Church, D&C 58:23.
law of consecration binding on all, D&C 58:36 (70:10).
this according to law and prophets, D&C 59:22.
hold court to be justified in eyes of law, D&C 64:13.
terrestrial glory inherited by those who died without law, D&C 76:72.
justice and judgment are penalty affixed to law, D&C 82:4.
he who breaks covenant should be dealt with according to laws of Church, D&C 82:21.
names of apostates not in book of law, D&C 85:11.
light in all things is law by which all things are governed, D&C 88:13.
kingdom of glory man inherits will be determined by level of law he abides, D&C 88:21–24.
those not sanctified through law of Christ inherit another kingdom, D&C 88:21.
that which is governed by law is preserved by law, D&C 88:34.
that which seeks to become law unto itself cannot be sanctified, D&C 88:35.
unto every kingdom is given law, D&C 88:36, 38.
the Lord has given law unto all things, D&C 88:42.
bind up law and seal up testimony, D&C 88:84 (109:46; 133:72).
obtain knowledge of laws of God and man, D&C 93:53.
law makes you free, D&C 98:8.
law concerning vengeance upon enemies, D&C 98:25–32.
law concerning battle, D&C 98:33.
union required by law of celestial kingdom, D&C 105:4.
Zion can be built only upon principle of law of celestial kingdom, D&C 105:5.
Saints to possess lands according to laws of consecration, D&C 105:29.
let us become subject unto laws of Zion, D&C 105:32.
commandments concerning Zion and her law should be executed, D&C 105:34.
bishop to judge according to laws, D&C 107:72.
none exempted from laws of God, D&C 107:84.
tithing is standing law forever, D&C 119:4.
that which is done in authority in name of the Lord becomes law on earth and in heaven, D&C 128:9.
all blessings predicated upon obedience to law, D&C 130:20–21 (132:5, 21, 32).
the Lord’s word is his law, D&C 132:12.
except ye abide my law, ye cannot attain celestial glory, D&C 132:21.
those who enter into the Lord’s law shall be saved, D&C 132:32.