Bond See also Bondage; Freedom both bond and free, 2Â Ne. 10:16 (26:33; Alma 1:30; 5:49; 11:44; 4Â Ne. 1:3). people of Alma1 delivered by power of God out of bonds, Mosiah 23:13. soul of Alma2 redeemed from bonds of iniquity, Mosiah 27:29 (Alma 36:27). Shiblon was in bonds among Zoramites2, Alma 38:4. all men that are in carnal state are in bonds of iniquity, Alma 41:11. those who say the Lord will uphold sinner are in bonds of iniquity, Morm. 8:31. he who supposes little children need baptism is in bonds of iniquity, Moro. 8:14. in the Lord, man to have glory, whether in bonds or free, D&C 24:11. call upon nations to repent, both bond and free, D&C 43:20. Saints to be equal in bonds of heavenly things and earthly things, D&C 78:5. organize yourselves by a bond or everlasting covenant, D&C 78:11 (82:11). clothe yourselves with the bond of charity, D&C 88:125. be friend and brother in bonds of love, D&C 88:133. all bonds entered into without being sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise are of no force after Resurrection, D&C 132:7.