son of Benjamin, taught in language of his fathers, Mosiah 1:2.
is proclaimed king, Mosiah 1:10 (2:30; 6:3).
is told to gather people, Mosiah 1:18.
walks in ways of the Lord, Mosiah 6:4–7.
sends expedition to Lehi-Nephi, Mosiah 7:1–2.
has gift of interpretation, Mosiah 21:28.
receives people from Lehi-Nephi with joy, Mosiah 22:14 (24:25).
reads records of Alma1 and Zeniff, Mosiah 25:1–7.
allows Alma1 to establish churches, Mosiah 25:18–19 (26:12).
forbids unbelievers to persecute believers, Mosiah 27:1–3.
translates records, Mosiah 28:11–19.
confers records and sacred articles on Alma2, Mosiah 28:20.
recommends that people select judges, Mosiah 29:11, 25, 39.
discourses on kings, Mosiah 29:30–36.
dies, Mosiah 29:46.
last of Nephite kings, Mosiah 29:47.
accomplishments of Mosiah, Alma 1:1.
had warned of destruction through transgression, Alma 10:19.
established permanent system of measures, Alma 11:4.
was promised that his sons would be saved, Alma 17:35 (19:23).
words of Mosiah were being trampled, Hel. 4:21–22.
was instructed not to make experience of brother of Jared2 known to people, Ether 4:1.