cleave unto thy wife and none else, D&C 42:22.
he who lusts after woman denies faith, shall not have the Spirit, D&C 42:23 (63:16).
thou shalt not commit adultery, D&C 42:24 (59:6; 66:10).
those who commit adultery and repent not shall be cast out, D&C 42:24 (59:6).
repentant adulterer to be forgiven, D&C 42:25–26.
those who leave companions for sake of adultery shall be cast out, D&C 42:74–75.
those who commit adultery are to be tried by elders, D&C 42:80.
deal with adulterers according to law of God, D&C 42:80–83.
some adulterers among members, D&C 63:14.
works of adulterers to follow them in eyes of people, D&C 63:15.
adulterers to inherit telestial glory, D&C 76:103.
instructions concerning those who have entered covenant of eternal marriage, D&C 132:41–45.