Christ, the Great I Am, D&C 29:1 (38:1; 39:1).
he who is ordained of God is appointed to be greatest, notwithstanding he is least, D&C 50:26.
out of small things proceed great, D&C 64:33.
he who sins against greater light receives greater condemnation, D&C 82:3.
High Priesthood is greatest of all, D&C 107:64.
hearts of great ones of earth to be softened, D&C 109:55–56.
the Son hath descended below all, art thou greater than he, D&C 122:8.
gospel made known to dead, both great and small, D&C 128:6 (138:11).
Joseph F. Smith saw great and mighty ones among righteous spirits, D&C 138:38.
noble and great spirits chosen to be rulers in Church, D&C 138:55.