laborer is worthy of his hire, D&C 31:5 (70:12; 84:79; 106:3).
let him rejoice who is accounted worthy of God, D&C 50:34.
he shall hold inheritance until he transgresses and is not accounted worthy, D&C 51:4.
bishops shall be high priests who are worthy, D&C 68:15.
Saints must abide in covenant to be found worthy, D&C 98:14–15.
let those be chosen who are worthy, D&C 105:35.
slothful shall not be counted worthy to stand, D&C 107:100.
those who are not tithed shall not be found worthy to abide among Saints, D&C 119:5.
Saints to present book worthy of all acceptation, D&C 128:24.
ministering angels serve those worthy of eternal weight of glory, D&C 132:16.
he who will not bear chastisement is not worthy of the Lord’s kingdom, D&C 136:31.
priesthood extended to all worthy male members, OD 2.