Go, Went, Gone I will go and do things which the Lord hath commanded, 1Â Ne. 3:7. say to prisoners, Go forth, 1Â Ne. 21:9 (Isa. 49:9). let us go up to mountain of the Lord, 2Â Ne. 12:3 (Isa. 2:3). out of Zion shall go forth law, 2Â Ne. 12:3 (Isa. 2:3). whosoever shall compel thee to go mile, go with him twain, 3Â Ne. 12:41 (Matt. 5:41). Christ goes unto the Father, 3Â Ne. 17:4 (18:27). go ye into world and preach gospel to every creature, Morm. 9:22 (Matt. 28:19). the Lord will go before Jaredites into choice land, Ether 1:42. disciples shall go forth, and none shall stay them, D&C 1:5. the Lord commands elders to go among people, D&C 49:11. the Lord will go before Saints, D&C 49:27. go ye out from Babylon, D&C 133:5.