Craftiness, Craft See also Art; Cunning; Deceit; Guile; Profession; Skill; Subtlety Zeniff deceived by craftiness of King Laman2, Mosiah 7:21 (9:10; 10:18). Alma2 seeks to pull down, by word of God, craftiness among his people, Alma 4:19. Zeezrom taken in lying and craftiness, Alma 12:3. Amulek’s words destroy craft of Zoramites2, Alma 35:3. Gadianton exceedingly expert in his craft of murder and robbery, Hel. 2:4. honorable men blinded by craftiness of men, D&C 76:75 (123:12). the Lord to take men in their own craftiness, D&C 121:12.