Yoke See also Bondage; Subject abominable church yokes Saints with yoke of iron, 1 Ne. 13:5. thou hast broken yoke of his burden, 2 Ne. 19:4 (Isa. 9:4). his yoke shall be taken from off thy neck, and yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing, 2 Ne. 20:27 (Isa. 10:27). yoke of Assyrian shall depart from the Lord’s people, 2 Ne. 24:25 (Isa. 14:25). Nephites do not desire to bring anyone to yoke of bondage, Alma 44:2. Lamanites suppose they will easily subject brethren to yoke of bondage, Alma 49:7. we would subject ourselves to yoke of bondage if requisite with God’s justice, Alma 61:12. Saints plead for complete deliverance from yoke, D&C 109:32, 47. duty is iron yoke, D&C 123:8.