Joseph Smith sees vision of celestial glory, D&C 76:50–70 (137:1).
celestial heirs fulfilled first principles of gospel, D&C 76:51–53.
celestial heirs overcome all things by faith, D&C 76:53, 60.
celestial heirs are Church of the Firstborn, D&C 76:54, 67, 94 (88:5).
celestial heirs receive all things, D&C 76:55, 59.
celestial heirs are priests after order of Melchizedek, D&C 76:56–57.
celestial heirs are gods and sons of God, D&C 76:58.
celestial heirs dwell in presence of God and Christ, D&C 76:62.
celestial heirs have part in First Resurrection, resurrection of just, D&C 76:64–65.
celestial heirs are just men made perfect through Christ’s Atonement, D&C 76:69.
celestial heirs have celestial bodies, D&C 76:70.
celestial glory compared with glory of sun, D&C 76:70, 96.
terrestrial receive of Christ’s fulness through ministration of celestial, D&C 76:87.
glory of celestial excels all things, D&C 76:92.
if Saints desire place in celestial world, they must prepare, D&C 78:7.
sanctified inherit celestial world, D&C 88:2.
the Comforter is promise of eternal life, even glory of celestial kingdom, D&C 88:4.
soul must be sanctified to be prepared for celestial glory, D&C 88:18.
celestial bodies to possess earth, D&C 88:20.
those not able to abide law of celestial kingdom cannot abide celestial glory, D&C 88:22.
earth abides celestial law, D&C 88:25.
celestial spirits receive natural bodies, D&C 88:28.
those given eternal life will be crowned with celestial glory, D&C 101:65.
celestial union required by law, D&C 105:4.
Zion built by law of celestial kingdom, D&C 105:5.
those who enter celestial kingdom are given white stone with new name, D&C 130:11.
in celestial glory there are three heavens, D&C 131:1.
conditions for attaining highest degree in celestial kingdom, D&C 131:2.
celestial glory to be fulness and continuation of seeds forever, D&C 132:19.
those who would have accepted gospel shall inherit celestial kingdom, D&C 137:6–8.
children who die before age of accountability inherit celestial kingdom, D&C 137:10.