Twelve Apostles of the Lamb, 1 Ne. 11:34–36 (12:9; 13:26, 40–41; 14:20, 24, 27).
twelve disciples of the Lamb among Nephites, 1 Ne. 12:8, 10.
garments made white in blood of the Lamb, 1 Ne. 12:11 (Alma 13:11; 34:36; Morm. 9:6; Ether 13:10–11).
truths taken away from gospel of the Lamb, 1 Ne. 13:26, 29, 32, 34.
records will come to Gentiles by gift and power of the Lamb, 1 Ne. 13:35.
saved in everlasting kingdom of the Lamb, 1 Ne. 13:37.
books which came forth by power of the Lamb, 1 Ne. 13:39.
the Lamb is the Son of the Father and the Savior of world, 1 Ne. 13:40.
words of the Lamb to be made known by records, 1 Ne. 13:41.
Church of the Lamb, 1 Ne. 14:12, 14.
records will come forth according to truth which is in the Lamb, 1 Ne. 14:26.
preachers bring many to be humble followers of God and the Lamb, Hel. 6:5.