Secret See also Closet; Conspiracy; Hide; Private; Privily; Secret Combination I have not spoken in secret, 1 Ne. 20:16 (Isa. 48:16). all things secret shall be revealed, 2 Ne. 30:17 (Mosiah 8:17). pour out your souls to the Lord in secret places, Alma 34:26. Gid and Teomner rise from secret places and cut off Lamanite spies, Alma 58:20. pray to thy Father who is in secret, 3 Ne. 13:6 (Matt. 6:6). secret acts shall be revealed, D&C 1:3 (88:108–9). pray before world as well as in secret, D&C 19:28 (23:6). pray vocally and in secret, D&C 20:47. he who offends in secret shall be rebuked in secret, D&C 42:92. the Lord commanded that secret things be kept from world, D&C 45:72. shake off dust, wash feet, in secret, D&C 60:15 (99:4). the Lord makes known secrets of his will, D&C 76:10.