Hill See also Cumorah, Land and Hill of; Ephraim, Hill of; Mount, Mountain; Ramah, Hill; Riplah, Hill; Shim, Hill he shall shake his hand against mount of daughter of Zion, hill of Jerusalem, 2 Ne. 20:32 (Isa. 10:32). city set on hill cannot be hid, 3 Ne. 12:14 (Matt. 5:14). Zion to rejoice upon hills, D&C 35:24 (39:13). Zion shall flourish upon hills, D&C 49:25. Church compared to judge sitting on hill, D&C 64:37. everlasting hills shall tremble at presence of lost tribes, D&C 133:31. priest offers sacrifices upon Potiphar’s Hill, Abr. 1:10, 20.