the Lord will be where two or three are gathered in his name, D&C 6:32.
instructions for conducting meetings, D&C 20:44–56.
elders to conduct meetings as led by the Holy Ghost, D&C 20:45 (46:2).
Church to meet together often, D&C 20:55, 61, 75.
Church discipline to be done in private, not before world, D&C 42:89.
when Saints assemble, they should instruct and edify each other, D&C 43:8.
Saints to be caught up to meet the Lord when he comes, D&C 45:45 (88:92, 96–98; 133:10, 19).
no one to be cast out from public meetings of Church, D&C 46:3.
the Son to come down to meet kingdom of God on earth, D&C 65:5.