North, Northern See also Israel, Ten Lost Tribes of the Lord commands all men in east, west, north, south, 2Â Ne. 29:11. scattered remnant shall be gathered from east, west, south, north, 3Â Ne. 20:13. Jaredites are destroyed upon face of north country, Ether 1:1. rain brings fruit in north countries, Ether 9:35. Israel to be gathered from four quarters, from north countries, Ether 13:11. northern states to be divided against southern states, D&C 87:3. ten tribes to come from north country, D&C 110:11 (133:26). great deep driven back to north countries, D&C 133:23. those in north are to be remembered, D&C 133:26. Enoch2 looks to north and beholds people of Canaan, Moses 7:6.