the Lord will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, D&C 8:2.
if it is right, the Lord will cause bosom to burn, D&C 9:8.
God gave Joseph Smith commandments which inspired him, D&C 20:7.
Book of Mormon given by inspiration, D&C 20:10.
God inspires men and calls them to his holy work, D&C 20:11.
prophets spoke as inspired by the Holy Ghost, D&C 20:26.
Joseph Smith inspired to lay foundation of Church, D&C 21:2, 7.
Joseph Smith’s words given by the Comforter, D&C 21:9.
it is given in very moment what to speak or write, D&C 24:6.
speak or teach whenever led by the Comforter, D&C 28:4.
open your mouths and they shall be filled, D&C 33:8.
prophesy, and it shall be given by power of the Holy Ghost, D&C 34:10.
elders to be taught from on high, D&C 43:16.
still small voice whispers through and pierces all things, D&C 85:6.