prophesies afflictions of people of King Noah3, Mosiah 11:20.
Noah3 angry over Abinadi’s words, Mosiah 11:26–29.
comes in disguise, commanded to prophesy, Mosiah 12:1–8.
is delivered to king, imprisoned, questioned, Mosiah 12:16–18.
confounds and challenges questioners, Mosiah 12:19–37.
quotes Ten Commandments, Mosiah 12:34–36 (13:12–24).
protected by the Spirit, Mosiah 13:1–5.
teaches salvation not by Mosaic law alone, but also by Atonement, Mosiah 13:27–28.
quotes Isaiah1, Mosiah 14 (15:6).
prophesies that God will come among men, redeem them, Mosiah 15:1–9.
preaches Christ is the only Redeemer, teaches resurrection and judgment, Mosiah 16.
condemned to death, Mosiah 17:1.
Alma1 believes and writes Abinadi’s words, Mosiah 17:2–4 (24:9; 26:15; Alma 5:11).
imprisoned and accused, Mosiah 17:5–7.
prophesies priests’ death by fire, Mosiah 17:15–19.
is burned to death, Mosiah 17:20.
Alma1 teaches Abinadi’s words, Mosiah 18:1.
Abinadi’s words fulfilled, Mosiah 20:21 (25:9; Morm. 1:19).
Abinadi’s death mourned, Mosiah 21:30.
Abinadi’s words not taught by Amulon, Mosiah 24:5.