Space See also Time virgin carried away in the Spirit for space of time, 1 Ne. 11:19. space between death and Resurrection, Alma 40:21. if Adam had partaken of tree of life, he would have lived forever, having no space for repentance, Alma 42:5. darkness for space of three days as sign of Christ’s death, 3 Ne. 8:3, 23. tempest and earthquakes last for space of three hours, 3 Ne. 8:19. light from God’s presence fills immensity of space, D&C 88:12. no space in which there is no kingdom, D&C 88:37. silence in heaven about space of half hour, D&C 88:95. space of many hours before Moses receives strength, Moses 1:10. earth to rest for space of thousand years, Moses 7:64–65. there is space, and we will make an earth, Abr. 3:24.