image of men’s god is in likeness of world, D&C 1:16.
the Lord is light and life of world, D&C 10:70 (11:28; 12:9; 34:2; 39:2).
world is ripening in iniquity, D&C 18:6.
Christ is the Redeemer of world, D&C 19:1.
Satan and his works to be destroyed at end of world, D&C 19:3.
Christ crucified for sins of world, D&C 21:9.
make known thy calling before world, D&C 23:2.
pray vocally before world, D&C 23:6.
continue in bearing the Lord’s name before world, D&C 24:10.
lay aside things of this world, D&C 25:10.
elders are chosen out of world to declare gospel, D&C 29:4.
Christ so loved world that he gave his life, D&C 34:3.
James Covel has rejected the Lord because of cares of world, D&C 39:9.
trial of offenders not to be before world, D&C 42:89.
ye say ye know end of world comes, D&C 45:22.
man’s creation before world was made, D&C 49:17.
world lies in sin, D&C 49:20 (84:49).
those cut off by Church are overcome by world, D&C 50:8.
the Lord has overcome world, D&C 50:41.
forsake world, D&C 53:2.
keep thyself unspotted from world, D&C 59:9.
he who does works of righteousness will receive peace in this world, D&C 59:23.
he who is faithful and endures shall overcome world, D&C 63:47.
elders to overcome world, D&C 64:2.
vision of things which were before world was, D&C 76:12–13.
worlds are and were created by the Son, D&C 76:24 (93:9–10).
the Lamb was in bosom of the Father before worlds were made, D&C 76:39.
Christ came to bear sins of world, D&C 76:41.
worlds without end, D&C 76:112.
he who breaks covenant of priesthood will receive no forgiveness of sin in this world nor in world to come, D&C 84:41.
world groans under sin and darkness, D&C 84:53.
go ye out into world, D&C 84:62.
revelation is in force upon all world, D&C 84:75.
the Lord sends elders out to prove world, D&C 84:79.
the Lord sends elders out to reprove world, D&C 84:87.
lawful heirs have been hid from world with Christ, D&C 86:9.
Saints should not live after manner of world, D&C 95:13.
in this world man’s joy is not full, D&C 101:36.
that which was ordained before this world, D&C 121:32.
men’s hearts are set so much upon things of this world, D&C 121:35.
prince of world comes, D&C 127:11.
I will be with thee to end of world, D&C 132:49.
atoning sacrifice for redemption of world, D&C 138:2.