Workmanship, Workman workmanship of Laban’s sword exceedingly fine, 1 Ne. 4:9. Liahona a ball of curious workmanship, 1 Ne. 16:10 (Alma 37:38–39). Nephi1 and brothers work timbers of curious workmanship for ship, 1 Ne. 18:1, 4. Nephites become rich in fine workmanship of wood, Jarom 1:8. curious workmen work and refine all ore, Hel. 6:11. Jaredites work all manner of work of curious workmanship, Ether 10:27. not one hair shall be lost, for it is workmanship of the Lord’s hand, D&C 29:25. house of the Lord, workmanship of Saints’ hands, D&C 109:4. God shows Moses all workmanship of his hands, Moses 1:4. men are workmanship of God’s hands, Moses 7:32. all workmanship of God’s hands weep over wicked, Moses 7:37, 40.