Nephites take possession of Bountiful, Alma 22:29.
Bountiful lies south of land of Desolation, Alma 22:31.
Bountiful runs from east to west sea, Alma 22:33.
Bountiful is joined on southeast by Jershon, Alma 27:22.
Nephites possess land north of Bountiful, Alma 50:11.
Moroni1 fears people in Bountiful will hearken to Morianton2, Alma 50:32.
Nephites driven to borders of Bountiful, Alma 51:28.
Amalickiah repulsed from Bountiful, Alma 51:30–32.
Moroni1 orders Bountiful fortified, Alma 52:9.
Moroni1 marches toward Bountiful, Alma 52:15, 18.
Lamanite prisoners taken to Bountiful, Alma 52:39.
Hagoth builds ships in Bountiful, Alma 63:5.
Lehi3 sent to defend Bountiful, Hel. 1:28.
Nephites driven into Bountiful, Hel. 4:6.
Nephites prepare to defend Bountiful, 3Â Ne. 3:23.
Christ appears to people gathered at temple in Bountiful, 3Â Ne. 11:1.