Pleasure See also Delight; Desire; Happiness; Joy; Will brothers accuse Nephi1 of desiring to be ruler, that he might do according to his pleasure, 1 Ne. 16:38. these things shall go according to pleasure of God, 2 Ne. 25:22. God commands earth according to his pleasure, Jacob 4:9. Enos2 will see Redeemer’s face with pleasure, Enos 1:27. the Lord will deliver you out of bondage, according to his pleasure, Mosiah 7:33. people of Church persecute those who do not believe according to their pleasure, Alma 4:8. given unto children according to the Lord’s pleasure, that great things are required, D&C 29:48. the Lord’s people have pleasure in unrighteousness, D&C 56:15. the Lord builds up at his own pleasure, D&C 63:4. the Lord will make known pleasure of his will concerning all things, D&C 76:7.