those bound by chains of hell are carried away to eternal gulf of misery, 2Â Ne. 1:13.
because devil became miserable forever, he sought misery of all mankind, 2Â Ne. 2:18.
Adam and Eve could have had no joy, for they knew no misery, 2Â Ne. 2:23.
devil seeks that all men might be miserable like himself, 2Â Ne. 2:27.
view of own guilt causes wicked to shrink from the Lord into state of misery, Mosiah 3:25.
perhaps thou shalt say, The man has brought upon himself his misery, Mosiah 4:17.
men will reap eternal happiness or misery according to works, Alma 3:26.
except for the Lord’s mercy, we might have been consigned to state of endless misery, Alma 9:11.
consignation of soul to happiness or misery might be termed First Resurrection, Alma 40:15.
Corianton supposes it is unjust to consign sinner to misery, Alma 42:1.
word of God leads man of Christ across everlasting gulf of misery prepared for wicked, Hel. 3:29.
devil will have no power to drag those built on Christ’s foundation down to gulf of endless misery, Hel. 5:12.
they who have done evil will be consigned to state of endless misery, Hel. 12:25–26.
greater is value of endless happiness than misery that never dies, Morm. 8:38.
men would be more miserable to dwell with God under consciousness of filthiness than with damned souls, Morm. 9:4.