Reap See also Harvest; Pluck; Receive; Reward; Sow [verb]; Thresh if people sow filthiness, they shall reap chaff in whirlwind, Mosiah 7:30–31. ye did thrust in your sickle and reap with your might, Alma 26:5. fowls of air neither sow nor reap, 3 Ne. 13:26 (Matt. 6:26). Jaredites make tools to reap, Ether 10:25. whosoever thrusts in his sickle and reaps is called of God, D&C 6:3–4 (11:3–4; 12:3–4; 14:3–4; 33:7). whatsoever a man sows he shall reap, D&C 6:33. reap in field which is white already to be burned, D&C 31:4. angels are waiting great command to reap down earth, D&C 38:12 (86:5). Saints will reap eternal joy for sufferings, D&C 109:76.