Stay See also Cease; Hinder; Restrain; Stop; Withhold the Lord takes away from Judah whole stay of water, 2 Ne. 13:1 (Isa. 3:1). remnant of Israel shall no longer stay upon him that smote them, but upon the Lord, 2 Ne. 20:20 (Isa. 10:20). all ye that do iniquity, stay yourselves and wonder, 2 Ne. 27:4. records shall come by hand of the Lord, and none can stay it, Morm. 8:26. disciples shall go forth and none shall stay them, D&C 1:5. tongues of wicked shall be stayed, D&C 29:19. no power can stay the Lord’s hand, D&C 38:33 (76:3). scourge shall not be stayed until the Lord come, D&C 97:23. what power shall stay heavens, D&C 121:33. prophets shall no longer stay themselves, D&C 133:26.